Meet Denmark's largest predator02
Experience "Mysteries of the Sea"03
Activities for all ages04
Get up close to the creatures of sea05
Enjoy great food on your forkThis is happening today
Something is happening almost everyday. Right here you can click on the day you plan to visit us, and see what is happening day.
Go on a scavenger hunt!
See if you can find 10 different items! Pick up the task sheet at the Front Desk
Visit KreaLab
Get creative at KreaLab! We've got all the supplies you need to make anything you can think of, from colorful pipe cleaners to bright crayons. Draw a picture, build a creation, or just have fun exploring your imagination. Anything is possible at KreaLab!Visit Café MS Smag
Let Café MS Smag take care of lunch and enjoy the best view in town of the entrance to Esbjerg Harbor See the menuLearn more about seals
After today's seal feedings, the museum's guide will talk a bit about the seal species that live in Denmark. Here, you have the opportunity to ask questions, touch, and hopefully learn a bit more about Denmark's largest predators.
Fish feeding
During the feeding, we will talk a about the aquarium, the animals it houses, and what they eat. You are, of course, welcome to ask questions if you’re curious about the animals in the aquarium.
Learn more about seals
After today's seal feedings, the museum's guide will talk a bit about the seal species that live in Denmark. Here, you have the opportunity to ask questions, touch, and hopefully learn a bit more about Denmark's largest predators.
See our exhibitions
Experiences for the whole family